THRIVE with Whole-istic Healing Co.
This is for all women and partners who want to THRIVE in their health and vitality individually and within the home! Namita gathers her wisdom from her Western Pharmacist background, as well as her Eastern Ayurvedic Yoga teacher, PMC (Paediatric Massage Consultant), CIMI (Certified Infant Massage Instructor) and almost an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant background.

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
EPISODE 8 - Infant Massage and WHY it is SO important
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
What IS infant massage and WHY is it SO important
In this week’s episode, I dive into what a beautiful modality infant massage is and what role it plays in all of MOTHERHOOD! I especially dive into what an important and pivotal part of postnatal depression this modality and practice could play.
It is NOT a ‘crash course’ into how to massage your baby! IT IS however, a beautiful explanation into ALL of the benefits, what it can bring to your baby and the person who is doing the massage…and where you can go to get more information about it!
(2.08) I run through why infant massage is such a beautiful modality and how it is that I stumbled across it.
(2.48) I met the wonderful Heidi McLoughlin from IMIS, and became certified as a PMC (Paediatric Massage Consultant) and a CIMI (Certified Infant Massage Instructor. If anything about learning how to become an instructor or finding a practitioner that runs classes face-to-face, then please do contact Heidi from IMIS, as she is the best point of contact if you want to know more about HOW to learn either of these things!
Heidi McLoughlinInfant Massage Information Service (IMIS) 558 608
(4.14) I discuss the disconnection as the saddest part of PND that truly breaks my heart; yet, how beautiful this practice of massage is in helping to bring the aspects of connection to the mother and her child.
(7.21) I discuss my passion about using my PMC qualifications to share the importance of this modality to my fellow health professionals, as I feel it is one more branch or ‘tool’ to be utilised in our toolbox for supporting patients and families going through their postnatal depression journey.
(11.20) Discuss how massage needs to be done by a primary caregiver, vs a transient carer that comes and goes such as an Aunt or family friend. The importance is to establish a trusting relationship with the aspect of touch, so it is very important to honour this.
(12.19) I go through specific benefits of infant massage! All of this research and points have all come from my learnings with IMIS (details above) and I have shared these in my book ‘Shining The Light on PND – The Journey From Darkness To Healing From Postnatal Depression’.
-relaxation of the skeletal muscle
-increasing blood blow and the lymphatic system
-reduced anxiety and improved alertness
-reduced stress hormone (cortisol) in both the parent and child
-strengthens the immune system
-positively effects mood and emotions
-improves sleep through melatonin and serotonin regulation
-assists with pain relief when there is discomfort due to the effects on endorphins
-helps with sinus and chest congestion
-enhanced bonding and attachment; a hugely important one for me
-increased self-confidence and self-esteem; which again is hugely important!
(16.14) I go through the practical points to consider when massaging…again not a crash course into how to do it!
(18.19) Safety considerations; this is vital and crucial information to take very seriously if you do choose to use this modality within your home.
(19.40) I talk about how you potentially could continue this massaging practice until they are much older.
(21.42) To find the most conducive time to do this practice.
(22.29) Points about wearing jewellery, short nails, warm hands and a nice room environment
(23.41) Take the phone off the hook or put it on silent, low lights and a warm room are all helpful ways to create ambience and the respect that this practice deserves.
(24.04) The topic of scent and pheromones.
(25.43) TO NEVER massage before a bath; huge safety issue.
(26.28) Discussion about oil choice, allergy warning and instructions of this whole area.
(29.09) A short (not exhaustive or full list) of contraindications (when you would and should not massage your baby)
(30.52) Discuss how there is a specific wind, colic and constipation sequence that is taught in the classes; again not an explanation of how or what the sequences are.
(33.14) The PEARL to PRACTICE this week; is to do some self-Abhyanga (oil massage) on yourself! I run through what to do and the WHY and would love to hear how you get on!

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
EPISODE 7 - What were my BIGGEST FEARS when I had PND?
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
This week I dive into what the BIGGEST fears I had when I had postnatal depression. What held me back? Why?
This has been recorded to help others navigate through understanding what fears may be held by women going through this…and what may help to bring them through their fears.
(2.35) Discuss the BLOG that I wrote about this very topic and my fears
(3.19) Fears are SO normal and natural. They are our self-preservation and self-protection
(4.37) The first fear was NOT knowing WHAT was going on with me
(6.34) Another fear was feeling I would be STUCK this way FOREVER…and it scared me silly!
(8.08) The principle that my fears were based on the UNKNOWN
(8.33) Another fear was if I spoke up that I actually had NO idea what the consequences would be or what would happen to me
(11.13) The Fear that nothing would actually work to fix me and make me better
(12.39) I had the fear of not knowing HOW my body would react when I weaned off my medication
(14.47) The fear of what people would THINK of me; HOW I would be labelled or what perceptions would change and go in detail
(20.19) Explain the idea of SURRENDER, LETTING GO of CONTROL, FAITH and TRUST
(22.00) I went into my PRESENT day fears
(26.14) The PEARL to PRACTICE this week is to spend some time thinking of what YOUR fears are…and to think WHY they have their hold on you…WHERE do they stem from…HOW do they serve you…and how would you overcome them IF there was NO obstacle standing in your way…This exercise is designed to help you get to the bottom of HOW you are feeling…WHY and what you POTENTIALLY could DO about it…and I hope it gives you the encouragement and push towards breaking through it!!

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Will I EVER feel CONENCTION to my baby…myself…my partner…and life ever again with PNDA and PND?
This week I dive into the most CRUEL aspect or symptom of postnatal depression…and that is the DISCONNECTION that can come with it.
I explain what it is and how it may look like…in an attempt to NORMALISE it and broaden our understanding that it IS the condition that causes one to feel this way.
It is a brutally raw and honest episode…covering aspects that we need to talk more openly about!
(1.56) Setting the intention of this week’s episode
(4.03) Delving into how CRUEL this aspect of the condition is
(4.33) Discuss my book ‘Shining The Light on PND – The Journey from Darkness To Healing From Postnatal Depression’ Link:
(7.48) Explain how connected and beautiful my pregnancies were
(9.39) The change to the disconnection and how that came to be about
(11.20) I go through what it can look like
(13.55) Delve into the contrast between the two
(15.34) Speak about the importance of family and support people in getting you through this chapter in your life
(22.17) Understanding the HUGE void in the current arena and WHY I HAD to do something and take action in creating tools to help this disconnection aspect
(23.18) Explain how I came about my children’s book ‘My Mummy After Our Baby – A Journey of Hope and Healing’ Link -
(25.46) I discuss how I came about the guided meditation albums with the special frequency music and WHY it plays a crucial role and part in this disconnection aspect.
Link – Guided Meditation album:
Sleep Album link:
(29.32) The main summary of the episode
(32.36) The MINDFUL MOMENT to practice this week is to focus for 3 minutes on the RISE and the FALL of your chest as you breathe deeply IN and OUT of your nose. Bringing focus and attention to the PRANA; the life-force energy within your body
I have written this blog article also on the Whole-istic Healing Co. website;

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
EPISODE 5 – The INS AND OUTS of Postnatal Depression (PND) Show Notes
This week I dive into the INS and OUTS of postnatal depression, as a way to highlight the KEY features that women and their families would want to know…and also should know about it!
I am placing a TRIGGER WARNING potentiality for some of the content; so please be mindful of how you feel as you are listening. Exact time-frames listed below.
It is a resource that I would implore ALL expectant and new parents to listen to…to help unveil this condition and to ANSWER all of the questions and REMOVE all of the uncertainties of PND and PNDA.
(1.06) I go through WHY I am so passionate about this work and being a mental health advocate; ESPECIALLY in the perinatal arena
(3.39) I explain what I will cover in this episode
(3.59) What is postnatal depression (PND) and PNDA?
(5.07) Discuss Dr Oscar Serrallach’s book ‘The Postnatal Depletion Cure’ and explain how I write about him in my book as an excellent resource
(6.36) I explain how symptoms can range from person to person
(7.30) Facts and Statistics about PND
(7.46) 1 in 7 women have PND, 1 in 5 women have PNDA and 1 in 10 men have PND
(8.55) Trigger warning potentiality; anyone with suicidal ideations, if finding this statistic triggering…to PLEASE skip past until 11.42
(11.42) Trigger warning end
(12.00) Listening to stories and other people experiencing it can be so helpful. I discuss how I am a Gidget Angel and to visit to read and watch other Gidget Angel stories; as listening to others experiences can be so empowering in knowing that you are not alone and is a wonderful resource
The link to my GIDGET ANGEL story is here:
(13.19) What are the SIGNS and SYMPTOMS?
(19.31) How is it DIAGNOSED?
(19.52) Important factor is the TWO week timeframe as a key differentiating factor to observe
(20.51) Discuss the EPDS (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale) questionnaire
(23.57) What are the CAUSES or PREDISPOSING FACTORS?
(29.15) What is the BEST thing to do if yourself, your partner, friend or family member has PND?
(32.09) Recovery IS possible
(35.58) Information for the partner if they are listening to this episode
(37.44) The PEARL to PRACTICE this week; is to sit with your eyes closed…take 5 diaphragmatic breaths and then ask yourself ‘how am I feeling today?’…then observe what comes up for you
Some BLOG articles that I have written on the Whole-istic Healing Co. platform that may be of interest in this regard…
What is postnatal depression and what the HECK is going on with me?
How is postnatal depression diagnosed?
What are the CAUSES of post-natal depression and why me?

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
This week I dive into what my 10 non-negotiable practices are daily, weekly and monthly to help me THRIVE.
I run through HOW and WHY I need them from an experiential perspective and also an Ayurvedic perspective. I launch into a quick ‘crash course’ about Ayurvedic principles and how they help me with my choices.
(1.32) Dive into how I am an introverted extrovert and how I learned what my non-negotiables are
(2.39) Jump into WHY I need to practice them
(3.12) How my Ayurvedic studies have helped me understand WHY I need them and how they work
(6.10) Dive into the VATA dosha imbalance and how to bring balance
(7.04) Discuss my PITTA dosha imbalance and why it occurs
(7.56) Number 1 non-negotiable is EXERCISE. Running, strength training and yoga. I discuss how CONSISTENT and daily exercise gives excellent support for anxiety and depression. Below are some online articles about the benefits of sustained and consistent exercise for mental health; both from Australian and overseas source;
(12.36) Number 2 non-negotiable is SILENCE every day or listening to soulful frequency music
(14.06) Cleaning as an excellent clearing strategy
(14.14) Number 3 non-negotiable is JOURNALLING
(15.29) Number 4 is reading SELF-GROWTH books and listening to podcasts
(16.09) My go-to resources are Dr Shefali, Eckhart Tolle, Gabby Bernstein, Jay Shetty, Robin Sharma, Melissa Ambrosini as my top ones
(18.03) Number 5 is MASSAGES and I explain the Ayurvedic reasoning behind it
(19.21) Number 6 is going on a holiday or getaway
(21.15) Number 7; on the flip side to all of the internally rejuvenating practices, because I am an introverted extrovert, is the need for me to CONNECT and spend time with people and how that makes me feel
(23.16) Number 8, I discuss how alcohol impacts my body and how I feel, so minimising its consumption definitely makes me THRIVE in my health and vitality
(25.00) Number 9, is doing some productivity work each day that I love with passion and purpose (of course having rest days)…but not working myself TO the bone, and not doing nothing day in and out…so a nice balance between the two
(25.58) Number 10, is having acupuncture once a month for my health and wellness
(27.38) This week’s pearl to practice is to find your 3 non-negotiables that help you THRIVE and to practice them throughout the week. Then reflect on how you feel once you have done them throughout the week and observe the difference

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
This week, I go through the main MYTHS and MISCONCEPTIONS that I would LOVE to debunk, to demystify and to strip down!
I definitely believe that information is the KEY to smashing through any FEAR…and this is the same with all things PERINATAL MENTAL HEALTH.
I go through one myth at a time (and I do apologise that I lost my way with the numbering of the myths!! I got so passionate when recording that I feel like I made up numbers as I went along…oops!)
I also have shared a video of SOME myths and misconceptions on our Whole-istic Healing Youtube channel that I uploaded a number of weeks ago…so you can check that out here at
(2.09) I speak about my desire to speak in front of ALL front-line health professionals about their critical role in being able to screen, monitor, refer and follow-up of mothers and their families.
I am so grateful to be presenting this at the PSA Pharmacist Conference in Sydney soon to my fellow colleagues!
(3.33) I discuss the potential number of people within Australia our front-line HCP can help by understanding PERINATAL mental health and what crucial role they play
(5.03) I speak about WHY I am so passionate about debunking myths and misconceptions
(7.16) Myth number 1; is that the mother can control it, she can ‘snap’ out of it and ‘reign’ it in
(8.51) Myth number 2; is that the mother is lazy and unable to handle stress
(9.55) Myth number 3; is that PND does not discriminate who it affects. There are pre-disposing risk factors yes (whole new episode on this!), but it does not care who you are
(12.18) I jump to reaching Myth number 6 (I clearly lost my counting in my passion!!)…but this myth is that the mother didn’t want the baby and that is why she is disconnected from her child
(14.32) Myth number 7; is that the mother is ‘crazy’, will be ‘crazy’ forever or that people will look at her in a different way
(16.48) Myth number 8; if it happens once that it will happen in future pregnancies
(18.20) Myth number 9; is the cultural condition to smash through being quiet and hiding when we fall down, and my genuine desire to be open and candid about this so that others can also share which allows a greater feeling of belonging and less isolation
(20.17) Myth number 10; is debunking treatment, whether it is medication or therapy; but debunking the stigma and taboo that surround this. Also the myth that you will need to remain on medication forever; not true!
(21.42) Myth number 11; is that medication is a ‘quick’ fix and to debunk that it can take 1-3 weeks to see some effect, 4-6 weeks to see most effects and up to 6-8 weeks to see the full effects from a pharmaceutical perspective…so to have patience and acknowledge the nature of the beast that is…and debunking that it is not the ‘easy’ way out to take medication!
(23.03) Myth number 12; is debunking the myth that nothing will actually help you to feel better (I felt this way both times). I go through the fact that this is a natural feeling, but to know that there are so many options of treatment available.
(23.23) To debunk the myth that I did not believe that I would get better, even after recovering the first time
(24.48) Myth number 13; is that there is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach to treatment and just because X or Y worked for someone else, that it will or won’t work for you. That we all have our own unique key for our lock and it is vital to find that…and to never give up until it is found
(25.38) Myth number 14; is that it will get better on its own. I believe that time is of the essence here and if you feel like you or your partner is not herself, and it has lasted for 2 WEEKS or MORE…then it is critical to recognise this and take ACTION by speaking up to your health professional. Chances are it will get worse and not better by ‘wishing it away’ or thinking that it will get better on its own.
(27.48) This next myth, is that having PND or PNDA is a sign of weakness…I get quite passionate here in this myth debunking! I explain how rising up and walking towards recovery requires a strength like no other…and that it is the opposite of weakness!
(31.00) The next myth, is that she is less of a mother for having it…and I strip this one inside out also.
(31.57) The final myth (clearly I couldn’t count again as I was so carried away chatting in this episode!), is that PND and PNDA only affect the mother. I explain how it can rip through the entire family, and that we need to all have some compassion and kindness to know that it is the condition that is doing this, and upon recovery, that the tension and issues that pop up can melt away…so to have an awareness of what is happening at a deeper level.
(35.33) This week’s pearl to practice, is more a CALL TO ACTION. It is to share this episode with a mother who is soon to have a baby or has recently had one, so that they can listen to anything that they resonate…if something is holding them back from speaking up, then this could truly be a LIFELINE for the one’s that you love
Links to BLOGS that I have written on the Whole-istic Healing Co. platform, that would be of interest within this topic;
1. What are the BIGGEST misconceptions to de-mystify about POST NATAL DEPRESSION?
2. Why am I SO passionate about speaking up and raising awareness on postnatal depression?

Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
EPISODE 2 - 10 things I WISHED my younger self knew
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
10 things I WISHED my younger self knew
In this week’s episode, I nut out the 10 most important things that I wish that I could tell my younger self…so that she could live a more freedom filled, fun and connected life!
I share my pearls, so that if you resonate with any of them, that it can save you a lot of time and heartache thinking the same thing!
I send my beautiful little girl self, so much compassion and kindness, and I share these pearls with her…not from a self-deprecating way, but rather from a ‘setting her free’ space.
(2.59) I discuss how I believe that life gives us lots of opportunities to learn from experiences, and sometimes the universe gives us whispers…and then yells, until we finally can hear what we need to!
(7.09) I chat about how I love coaches, self-growth books, thought leaders and much I love Dr Shefali, Jay Shetty, Melissa Ambrosini, Eckhart Tolle...and that my coaches Gemma, Sunita from Perth and Melissa from the Sunshine coast were so crucial to my growth
(10.08) I chat about being discerning with your energy, your time and space...and to be mindful of how you feel and take responsibility to move away if it doesn't 'feel right'
(13.02) Number 1 thing; would be that I don't need to seek anyone's approval
(13.56) Number 2, is that I am whole, complete and worthy exactly as I am...I chat about Louise Hay's book 'You Can Heal Your Life' that I devoured as a small well as the Ayurvedic principle, 'Pragya Aparadha'
(17.32) Number 3, I would tell her to have more fun in life!!!
(19.40) Number 4, is that life does not need to be so serious. I would tell her to drop her Hindu/Buddhist philosophies that life is suffering...and drop the 'work, work, work' mentality...and to live with single pointed presence and connection
(20.43) Number 5, is that life isn't a dress rehearsal...that she does not need to wait until things are 'perfect' to do it...she only has now...and that is it!
(21.20) Number 6, would be that she absolutely has permission to shine her light! She does not need to dim or ide it away for or from anyone! She also does not need to be subservient or a people pleasing magician!
(22.16) Number 7, would be to dance and sing...and to live in her divine feminine! She has lived in her divine masculine of doing for SO long...but she has the right to have kindness, softness and to be gently to herself!
(23.13) Number 8, in a similar thread to being in her divine feminine, being more flexible and not so rigid, organised and ‘masculine’. I chat about how much I love the book ‘You Are Abundant’ by Belinda Grace that I learned so much about this divine feminine vs divine masculine aspect.
(24.28) Number 9, I would tell her to always make time to do the activities that ground her. That it will make her a better mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend...and that when she is the most stressed and busy, that it is even more important to carve out the time for is not being selfish or a luxury, but crucial for her physical and mental health!
(25.21) The final number 10 would be, that no matter life throws your way, that it can never define her worth…She always HAS been worthy…she IS worthy…and will ALWAYS remain worthy!

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Episode ONE is an INTRODUCTION to all things THRIVE with Whole-istic Healing Co. Podcast…so we get to know each other! It really spells out why this podcast came to be about, what the intention is and what I hope to bring you each week.
Think, the synergistic utilisation of Western modalities of health care…together with Eastern Ayurvedic modalities, yoga, lifestyle and practices…to help you THRIVE!
(2.32) Introduction of who is Namita Mahanama?
(4.11) Our journey of business expansion across Australia in setting up the biggest corporate dental group owned by dentists in Australia, and then my journey from maiden into matrescence.
(6.55) Going through aspects of shedding layers of fears and aspects holding me back into having another baby, and then detailing my journey with postnatal depression after our second baby.
(10.23) Speak about my awakening at the recovery of ‘sparking back to life’; that moment I came back to life and how my life changed in every single way.
(13.19) Each day living with full presence, gratitude, glorious life with the abundance of health, mental health, wellbeing, love, joy, peace, prosperity, wealth and freedom…and that it is available to everyone.
Living with the mantra that tomorrow isn’t promised is what we live by in our family now, because we saw how instantly it can be taken away
(15.30) Describe my journey into Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Yoga Teaching, paediatric massage consultant and certified infant massage instructor.
(17.42) What is Whole-istic Healing Co.?
(20.03) Overview of how the podcast episodes will work and what they will be about
(25.24) Mindful Moment to practice throughout the week; which is to observe your life in all aspects and see what one thing you can change to help you THRIVE in your life. Observation without judgement, and only kindness is the key here.
Website: Visit
Instagram: whole_istichealingco
Facebook: whole_istichealing
YouTube: Whole-istic Healing Co.
Guided Meditation Album:
Sleep Album:
Shining The Light on PND book:
My Mummy After Our Baby Book:

THRIVE with Whole-istic Healing Co.
Think, the synergistic utilisation of Western modalities of health care...together with Eastern Ayurvedic yoga, lifestyle and help you THRIVE!
To THRIVE in your mental THRIVE in your connection to body, mind and THRIVE in being your BEST self.
My PASSION is to help women and their families THRIVE and not just survive the PERINATAL period (pregnancy and post-birth) AND BEYOND...where I draw upon my lived-experience with postnatal provide PRACTICAL and helpful resources to guide you through this chapter and be your beacon of light.
My insights and information, I believe can help ALL mothers to THRIVE in their motherhood journeys...together with their partners.
I look forward to sharing this wild ride with together we can THRIVE
x Namita