THRIVE with Whole-istic Healing Co.
This is for all women and partners who want to THRIVE in their health and vitality individually and within the home! Namita gathers her wisdom from her Western Pharmacist background, as well as her Eastern Ayurvedic Yoga teacher, PMC (Paediatric Massage Consultant), CIMI (Certified Infant Massage Instructor) and almost an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant background.

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
EPISODE 18 – POSTNATAL RAGE…What is it and WHY does it happen?
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
EPISODE 18 – POSTNATAL RAGE…What is it and WHY does it happen?
This episode is all about WHAT postnatal rage is, WHY does it happen…and what are some PRACTICAL STRATEGIES and ADVICE around it.
It is a topic of parenthood that is not spoken about enough, where it can be multifactorial and lots of layers involved.
I dive into trying to peeling it away…and giving indications of WHERE to go for extra assistance and WHEN you should be looking further.
I hope you enjoy this topic and the ins and outs of postpartum rage…or ‘Mum Rage’.
(6.32) I define what POSTPARTUM rage is as per the COPE website; linked below
(9.01) I chat about the time-frame of symptoms and at what point, along with other factors, that would prompt you to go see your GP to further investigate and peel away what is happening
(10.14) I discuss about how the GP would be the first-point of call that I would recommend if you are feeling like postpartum rage is becoming something to look into further for you
(12.36) I launch into possible UNDERLYING reasons or triggers or causes behind it
(16.14) I candidly go through MY personal triggers of what annoys me, in hope that it can help you in identifying what YOUR triggers are
(27.02) I go through some more REASONS and STRATEGIES to adopt
(32.12) More STRATEGIES!
(43.58) Even more practical strategies
Here are some links that I promised in the episode;
COPE Postpartum Rage page
xx Namita

Monday Oct 17, 2022
EPISODE 17 - SLEEP HYGIENE, WHAT is it and WHY is it SO important!
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
EPISODE 17 – SLEEP HYGIENE, WHAT is it and WHY is it so important?
This week is ALL about WHAT sleep hygiene is…WHY is it so important and STRATEGIES to use to improve SLEEP HYGIENE to hopefully assist in falling asleep and having GOOD QUALITY sleep!
It is an important pillar of health in both Eastern and Western medicine…and one where any CHANGE to how you are sleeping should not be ignored.
(2.56) The Sleep Foundation is an EXCELLENT resource for all things pertaining to sleep! Check out;
(3.27) I discuss sleep from an AYURVEDIC perspective
(7.21) I candidly speak about the sleep woes in our home when the boys were young and during my PND
(10.38) How changes in sleep can indicate depression symptoms and are important not to ignore as it can be illustrative of something deeper
(15.23) I run through some challenges with sleep with a newborn and share my much needed message of HOPE!
(17.00) STRATEGIES you can employ to help during the newborn stage with sleep
(23.51) The principle in Ayurveda to apply for making up for LOST SLEEP
(24.41) Turn the phone off, on silent, all notifications off so that you are not distracted by the ping…ping…ping!
(25.31) I run through PRACTICAL sleep hygiene practices and strategies
(25.38) Turn off the T.V, phone, screens at least 1 HOUR before sleep…blue light and stimulation
(26.54) Exercise through the day but not within 90 minutes of sleep
(31.02) Watch caffeine consumption
(32.15) Abhyanga, an Ayurvedic self-massage strategy and the WHY
(34.56) Don’t eat within 2 hours of bedtime and minimise or avoid heavy, fried and oily food that may cause indigestion and affect sleep
(36.33) Guided meditation and how it may help. This is the link to the guided meditation tracks that I have created with Listening to Smile that you can jump on;
(38.16) The place of essential oils and plant based essences; lavender, chamomile, bergamot, neroli, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang, marjoram
(39.51) The use of an eye mask; aa weighted eye mask and weighted blanket
(41.14) Jot down any thoughts that you have PRIOR to trying to sleep so they are off your body, mind and soul
(41.49) Having a herbal teabut not with too much liquid (chamomile, lemon balm, passionflower, lavender). Also boiled milk with turmeric or cacao and adding cinnamon, cardamom for sweetness
(43.12) The use of PRANAYAMA, breathing techniques and what they can do. I discuss NADI SHODHANA
(44.36) No activity in bed except for sleep and intimacy
(45.04) Discussion about alcohol and sleep
(46.41) Pharmaceutical perspective with over-the-counter options and what the pharmacist will factor in their decision making process. Also to chat with your GP about prescription options short-term
(49.16) Possible underlying misalignment of back or joints; to see a physiotherapist, chiropractor or osteopath and I chat about my husband’s pillow example
(50.42) Comfortable room temperature; simple but can be factor!
(52.14) I chat about my TMJ issues and to consider going to a dentist if it is an issue for you or your partner also
I hope that there have been some lovely strategies that you can adopt to help you get some BEAUTIFUL quality and quantity of sleep!
Much love
xx Namita

Thursday Oct 13, 2022
EPISODE 16 - The beauty of the ’ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE’
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
This week’s episode is stripping GRATITUDE inside out;
-What exactly is it?
-What are the benefits of practicing it?
-What are strategies to be able to APPLY it into your life and DAILY practice?
I write about living in this state of ‘attitude of gratitude’ in my book Shining The Light on PND and how it is SUCH an important healing tool for us to utilise.
This episode was inspired from wanting to live in this state…and how I have really tried to make SHIFTS especially in the morning to incorporate GRATITUDE as my first point of call and how great it is!
I hope you enjoy the episode!!
(1.55) I start with explaining how this principle of GRATITUDE was self-care strategy 18 of 19 in my book for mothers to utilise and how important it is
(2.21) I am candid about how difficult I found practicing gratitude in the thick of my illness…so I recognise and ACKNOWLEDGE this reality and potentiality for others going through the same thing…but to HOLD onto this tool to keep it in your tool belt to utilise when you can and are ABLE to
(6.58) I go through in retrospect what I could have still been thankful for at the time of my illness; had my mind and thoughts ALLOWED me to partake in such a practice…as the reality was, I did still have so many things to be thankful for
(8.45) I run through the benefits of the NEUROTRANSMITTERS as a result of practicing gratitude and the positive impact it has on our body
(11.50) I chat about my husband Chandi and his positive morning spirit and his practice of gratitude!
(14.48) Define GRATITUDE with the Oxford Dictionary and Harvard Medical School definitions…and then run through MY own interpretation of it
(17.22) I speak of the DUALITY in life…and how often we only appreciate things by experiencing its polarity
(20.07) I launch into the many benefits that gratitude has that I found on the Positive Psychology website and how I enjoyed their articles; linked below;
(22.59) I speak about the work of Bruce Lipton and Jay Shetty as thought leaders in GRATITUDE; and recommend that you look into their articles and content about this subject matter.
(24.13) I discuss gratitude from an Ayurvedic perspective (Indian Medicine)
(27.46) I lean into common barriers or RESISTANCE questions that may arise; and launch into possible strategies to overcome them
(30.00) I then run through ACTUAL strategies that you can try to incorporate into your life as DAILY practices. I recommend trying for at least 21 days and possibly 30 days, to encourage them to be part of your daily habits
(44.51) The PEARL to PRACTICE this week, is to try my playable Gratitude meditation track in the link below…if you resonate with this, to try it daily. Also to practice gratitude daily in a way that you resonate with!
I hope that you have enjoyed this week’s episode…and have taken away some INSPIRATION and things to try in your week!

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
In today’s episode I am joined by the beautiful Laura Callea AKA ‘Physio Laura’!
I have been following her content for a number of years and wrote about her being a fabulous resource in my book ‘Shining The Light on PND’ this was a super fun and special episode for me having her on!
I start with a beautiful introduction of what she does and then we DIVE into our chat!
(4.59) Laura Callea AKA Physio Laura introduces herself and what she does
(6.30) I ask her ‘What has been the biggest challenge with 3 small children?’
(8.03) We chat about her strategies to FILL her OWN CUP
(10.27) I ask Laura what the difference between a regular physiotherapist and women’s health physio is
(12.45) I ask Laura what a women’s health physio can do in each stage for women;
-post partum
(15.08) We chat about specific examples of when you should see a women’s health physio…very helpful information here ladies!
(16.27) I share a personal story of my recent experience with a women’s health physio…and how I learned how the TMJ is very much connected to an overactive pelvic floor
(17.50) Chat about clenching the jaw and the pelvic floor…and how relaxation of the jaw is related to a strategy to help in labour!
(21.00) I ask Laura what she has learned about her recent release of a VBAC series on her podcast. I also ask if not doing pelvic floor exercises can cause irreparable damage?
(24.31) The short answer is no…phew! Yet, Laura goes through a beautiful and in depth explanation here!
(25.41) I ask about women with perinatal mental health conditions who may already be struggling with OVERWHELM…and what strategies she could suggest to help in making it more manageable
(26.39) Laura discusses HABIT STACKING…which I love!
(27.58) I ask if you can do pelvic floor exercises whilst lying down
(29.12) We chat about ABDOMINAL SEPARATION
(31.33) We chat about the changes in our body during this motherhood journey…and I ask if there is hope for everyone
(33.38) We chat about SELF ACCEPTANCE…and I love her outlook on this A LOT!
(35.41) We chat about her positive outlook on life and what strategies she adopts to imbibe this
(36.54) Laura discusses her living in the NOW and this beautiful outlook on life that I absolutely love!
(38.16) I asked her if there was a turning point in her life that created this outlook or whether this is her natural disposition
(40.31) We chat about how she ‘juggles’ motherhood, career, business and life…which is a common thread in so many homes!
(45.19) I ask her how the dynamic of working with her husband and how they make it work
(47.18) Laura chats about her offerings, where to find her, her podcast and her Pregnancy Posse Membership…which is all linked below!
Thank you so much for tuning in…and I hope you have loved this episode as much as I have!
Laura Callea is a women’s health physiotherapist…with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)
Graduate Certificate in Physiotherapy (Pelvic Floor) and Graduate certificate in Physiotherapy (Exercise and Women's Health)
Her purpose on her website which I have linked above if you want to read it in full, is to;
-spread the word about pelvic floor health and safe and effective exercise during pregnancy.
-to help women understand their bodies and be empowered to make informed decisions.
-to help women enjoy this wonderful journey of motherhood without suffering from preventable problems.
She is a Mamma to 3 little children, married and lives on the Surf-Coast where she is immersed in nature and a beautiful life of balance…and filled with so much warmth and open energy, which is what I was drawn to.
I have linked all of her offerings below, so hop on to her website, have a listen to her Pregnancy with Physio Laura podcast and take a look at her Pregnancy Posse membership.
Pregnancy Posse membership
Pregnancy with Physio Laura Podcast

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
This week I speak about the importance of finding your ‘NO FUSS TRIBE’.
I explain WHAT it is…WHY you deserve it…HOW you can find it…and what a beautiful and amazing life changing part of my life it has become.
I have written about this in my book ‘Shining The Light on PND – The Journey From Darkness To Healing From Postnatal Depression’ and I DIVE into it ALL today!
(1.13) I dive into the importance of a tribe in ALL times of life…pregnancy, postnatal depression, motherhood in its entirety, fatherhood…parenthood…and in ALL of life’s stages and ages!
(2.54) I chat about my reflection (which is 9 of 24 of reflections in my book)…and HOW I came to come to this space of compassion and unconditional love in having a tribe…
(4.44) Discuss my pre postnatal stance vs now; my childhood, my ‘GYPSY’ way of living…and exactly what has changed
(7.31) I describe the change in the AFTER and how I deal with relationships now vs BEFORE
(9.21) My ability to regurgitate and articulate every minute thought that I had to my tribe during my postnatal depression and what that allowed for me. I believe that it is this quality that allowed for my family to help me access the help that I needed
(11.35) I chat about the contrast of being so disconnected to the rest of the world in contrast to the verbal barrage of emotions with my tribe and what that allowed
(12.52) I declare my gratitude for my family as my ‘NO FUSS TRIBE’ and just how amazing they are, how blessed and lucky I am
(16.06) I speak about my Earth Angel Julene and how she allowed this shift in perspective that saved me during that time and how she has allowed me to be unapologetically me; which is the best gift of all!
(18.46) I chat about the importance of neighbours, friends, community to REACH IN, because if someone is not well, then it can be extremely hard if not impossible to REACH OUT. It is so important to not look away as the lives of our women matter
(19.49) The reality of suicide being the leading cause of death in the first twelve months postpartum in Australia, that PND can affect 1 in 7 women and PNDA can affect 1 in 5 women.
(21.17) I speak of the newest R U OK? Campaign with the tagline…’No qualifications needed’ and how I think it is the best single piece of marketing that I have seen! It is a lifesaving campaign because you don’t need to be a trained health professional, have a mental health first aid accreditation to ask that question and to check in…so I love this!
(24.57) The beauty of my friend Julene sharing her experience is what allowed me to feel like I was not alone, like I was not ‘crazy’ or the odd one out…she gave me the permission to be open and share how I was feeling
(27.08) I chat about how it can be tricky to find a tribe; how I have moved around a lot so I can appreciate that
(32.00) What exactly does a ‘NO FUSS TRIBE’ mean or look like?
(37.08) One of the pearls to try this week is to think of who IS in your tribe and to send them heartfelt gratitude about all they do and bring for you
(38.13) I chat about being in the space of allowing a tribe to come in…to be open and receiving…and knowing that you are so deserving to have one
(39.30) I launch into suggestions of where to try and meet your tribe
(41.35) I chat about the Gidget Foundation’s Virtual Village and how it is a mediated Facebook group that has other members with PND or PNDA and is a safe space where you can connect to other people in a beautiful space. This is a wonderful resource to access if you need that camaraderie
(42.08) Chat to your child health nurse to direct you to a PND specific local group if you are finding challenges in joining other groups and would prefer to be in the company of others who you may relate to more easily
(42.48) You can chat with your GP if you feel like you need resources and help…it takes a village to raise a child so I get that! They can help direct you to a social worker or whatever other resources you need to beautifully help raise your family
(45.46) It can be challenging to seek everything you need from only one person in your life, whether that is your spouse or partner and how it often is more conducive to have multiple sources of support
(47.17) I chat about how you should be discerning with whom you let into your tribe and not chat to everyone because you want to add to it. If they strip you of energy and resources, then they no longer become helpful
(47.51) Another pearl to practice this week!

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
In today’s episode, I gift to you a beautiful Self-Love Affirmation practice that you can utilise whenever you feel the need to!
I launch into the WHY and WHAT it can bring for you…and a time stamp of exactly when the practice begins, so you can skip directly to that part when you want to!
(0.28) I discuss the inspiration behind this episode and why I wanted to record this practice that I often do with my boys and myself
(0.49) I explain the TWO Guided Meditation albums that I have created with Listening To Smile, that are available on the Whole-istic Healing Co. website and the HOW and WHY I created them.
I explain how this affirmation recording is in a similar vein or thread, but the intention that we set for the practice is a little different.
If you want to check our any tracks to purchase individually or the entire albums, then you can check the link here;
(2.17) I explain HOW you can utilise this practice; it could be done alone, with your children, you can use it as a walking meditation or listen to it before you go to sleep
(3.56) It is designed to be a practice where the words can be interpreted by WHOEVER is listening to it. The idea is that it will bring meaning and solitude with different messages for different people
(7.29) I chat about the 4 PILLARS of Life or ‘Ayu’ in AYURVEDA; namely:
-BODY (Sharira)
-MIND (Manas)
-SOUL (Atma)
-SENSES (Indriyas)
I speak of how a practice like this can help to bring GROUNDING and MINDFULNESS to these 4 aspects.
I also briefly explain the different aspects or qualities of the MIND (Manas), as being:
SATWIC, RAJASIC or TAMASIC in nature with the analogy of bodies of water
(11.38) I chat about how I will write the exact timestamp of when I begin the practice so you can skip to it! It is at 19.16 by the way!
(13.03) I chat about different ideas of when or how you can follow or partake in the practice
(19.16) This is the START of the PRACTICE…until 28.10. You can skip directly to this part when you want to do the practice!
My genuine hope is that this SELF-LOVE affirmation or meditation recording, is one that you are DRAWN to and utilise as a TOOL or weapon in your artillery when you need it!
I know in the world that we live in now, where we are constantly fed thoughts that we may not be enough until we have this, that or the other…or need to change this, that or the other…that utilising a practice like this may be such a beautiful and wonderful thing to help fill that from within.
I hope that it is a practice that you resonate with and play often…as a way for you to ONLY remember the bounty that IS within you…the special and wonderful being that you are.
This is my gift to you

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
This week I DIVE into;
WHY it is important
10 short sharp practices you can try ANYWHERE!
(1.08) I launch into my epic tantrum that lead me TO record this episode as a way to re-think and re-set my equilibrium!
(6.30) I explain the terminology in our home of being in the ‘red’ team or ‘green’ team and the importance of personal responsibility in acknowledging HOW we feel and to lean into what we know works for us to return back into the green team
(8.06) I run through the stress hormone CORTISOL and how being fuelled on this and operating only from this space is not sustainable
(8.34) I speak of some toxic traits that may lead to this all-encompassing state of overwhelm; over committing, saying ‘yes’ and being a people pleaser!
(10.30) Dive into mindfulness is best utilised when it is a regular and consistent practice, that becomes a routine and that it DOES NOT need to be a huge ordeal of trekking a mountain to meditate on the Himalayas to be successful!
(11.50) I run through the physical symptoms of nervous tension and what they can look like; clenching the jaw, tight shoulders, contracting all muscles including the pelvic floor
(13.08) I discuss the ‘busy-ness’ of being a parent and the natural overwhelm that ensues from wearing SO many hats!
(14.12) The definition of MINDFULNESS from which I very much enjoyed their definition of it! It feels VERY empowering that it IS within us, we just need to practice HOW to access it…a space of being COMPLETE already and not from a space of ‘lack’ or ‘limitation’ or that it is somewhere ‘over there’
(16.11) I go into WHY do we need to practice mindfulness? WHAT are the BENEFITS?
(16.48) The Ayurvedic perspective of mindfulness and points/symptoms from this Eastern standpoint
(18.51) The Ayurvedic GUNAS of the mind; SATWIC, RAJASIC and TAMASIC…What these mean and what the goal is for our mental states according to Ayurveda and the impact that stimuli, practices and nutrition have on our Gunas (more in another episode on this though!)
(23.07) I launch into that I will run through 10 SHORT and SHARP mindful practices that you can practice anywhere…from your car, to standing up…
(25.20) Practice 1: Washing dishes strategy
(27.30) Practice 2: Body wash with gratitude in the shower from episode 10 with Diana Fischer…You can listen to that here: or watch the video episode on our YouTube channel here
(29.10) Practice 3: Sitting for 2 minutes and focus on one breath at a time
(31.23) Practice 4: Standing with feet firmly planted on the ground, arms outstretched to the side, with shoulders back, chest open, palms facing up and pinky finger up to the sky and focusing on breath
(33.27) Practice 5: Looking at your face in the mirror; a practice to process any residual feelings and emotions that may need to be processed
(36.06) Practice 6: Phone hygiene practices and strategies. Looking at my phone and notification ‘pings’ are a huge one for me!
(39.15) Practice 7: The exercise my women’s health physio gave me of every 3-4 hours; completely breathing out and LET GO of everything! Shoulders down and back, relax the jaw and the pelvic floor…and let it ALL relax and drop down vs being up and contracted
(41.17) Practice 8: I LOVE this one; lying on your back in nature and watching the sky above…the cloud rolling on by, taking in all that you can SEE and HEAR and FEEL on your skin
(42.39) Practice 9: Mindfulness practicing IN the car, at the traffic lights, whilst waiting for kiddies activities etc…without being distracted from driving of course!
(45.00) Practice 10: The WATERFALL meditation. I read out the meditation that is in my book ‘SHINING THE LIGHT ON PND – The Journey From Darkness To Healing From Postnatal Depression’ which you can get here
I encourage you to listen to this loud whilst you are in the shower and feel the energetic effect that it has on you and a beautiful meditation you can come back to whenever you need it!
Thank you so much for joining me again on this episode! I hope that you benefit from some of the little goodies and can implement them into your lives
x Namita

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
This week’s episode is ALL about WHAT a PHARMACIST does within their SCOPE of PRACTICE and how they can help you!
I believe that we are an underutilised resource within the health care industry and I run through WHAT is possible for us to do…and not just putting a label on a box!
I have written a blog article about when to speak to a pharmacist or doctor, which you can read below at;
I hope you enjoy the episode and feel more confident about what your pharmacist can offer to you and your family!
(2.10) I discuss some myths, misconceptions about the role of a pharmacist, as well as discuss the most recent Roy Morgan 2021 finding that has been interesting about being the third highest in ethics and trust behind nurses and doctors, as well as the historical trends
(5.02) I discuss some important points about the SCOPE OF PRACTICE of a PHARMACIST
(7.11) I chat about the recent viral post and response recently on TikTok from an Australian pharmacist with an online presence
(10.08) Discuss the place of medications and products within supermarkets and my concern of safety around this
(11.59) I run through the TOP reasons to chat with your pharmacist which you may find interesting!
(12.09) 1. When you are pregnant and WHY 2. When you are breastfeeding and WHY
(14.52) 3. If treating a child under 12 years of age and WHY
(15.40) 4. If taking other medication and WHY
(17.24) 5. If you have other medical conditions and WHY
(18.42) 6. If over 65 and WHY
(19.48) 7. If symptoms last a long time and WHY
(21.48) 8. If the medication is NOT working and WHY
(24.14) 9. HOW to take something and WHY as well as HOW to STORE the medication and WHY
(29.04) I run through some common services run by pharmacies that can be very helpful
(31.35) The POISONS LINE and what they do, important tips to consider if poisoning occurs and to save their number on your phone for an emergency…operational 24/7
The Australian phone number for the POISONS HOTLINE: 13 11 26
(41.07) Importance of enhancing health literacy and my passion for doing so
(44.43) The PEARL to PRACTICE this week is to introduce yourself to your pharmacist! Get to know them and establish a lovely relationship with them…we are so nice (and humble!)

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
In today’s episode about BODY LOVE, I launch into a beautiful chat with Diana Fischer from ‘Life Coaching with Diana’, where we get into the nitty gritty about body image and self-love.
It’s a juicy episode filled with shared stories of our self-love journey and some great strategies to utilise in your own body gratitude practice.
As a DISCLAIMER for both of these episodes on SELF LOVE and BODY IMAGE;
I would advocate to see a trained PSYCHOLOGIST, THERAPIST and GP if you are struggling with an eating disorder or a severe case of body dysmorphic symptoms.
This chat is for general purposes only, and I would advocate to seek PROFESSIONAL help from trained clinicians and organisations such as the Butterfly Foundation which helps those with eating disorders for more specific and patient-centred advice;
Here is a little bit about the beautiful Diana:
Diana is a life coach with a background in hypnotherapy and Psych-K. She specialises in empowering women to deeply love themselves and live a life that they truly LOVE.
She has overcome her own body image struggles since becoming a mum of 3 using the mindset techniques that she now uses to guide her clients, connecting them to their own inner wisdom.
Diana’s link tree where you will find more details of the work and offerings she provides is:
(3.30) Diana introduces herself and explains herself and her journey
(5.15) Diana goes through her journey of birthing her 3 babies and the changes she experienced
(6.38) She dives into her ‘episode’ as she calls it and how it came about and how she overcame it
(13.23) This then leads to how and why she has come to what she does now
(16.42) I apologise here for the background construction noise on my street! They just happened to be banging and clashing at the exact same time I was recording…Murphy’s work at its finest!
(17.15) Discuss the INNER CRITIC and how our brain is wired
(20.43) I chat about the journey from being single to having children
(22.33) The change from pregnancy to post-birth
(22.54) The impact of social media,perfectly curated pictures portrayed and whilst it is changing; this concept of ‘bouncing back’ being an unrealistic language and concept for new mothers
(26.30) Body image being the ‘tip of the iceberg’ according to Diana
(30.06) I ask what would happen if we never addressed our body image issues?
(38.20) Diana chats about her ‘Self-Love Community’ on Facebook and how to join by accessing the Linktree listed above if you want to join
(41.12) I discuss how I was not able to delve into this body love work until I had recovered from my postnatal depression; so once I was already in my health and vitality was I able to take the next step to THRIVE!
It gives my listeners who ARE in the depths of the trenches some perspective, that I was only able to survive during my illness…and venturing into this was not what I actively did at all!
I delve into how I am an advocate for Western treatments/modalities for postnatal depression, and as an ADDITION, I would advocate to see a trained PSYCHOLOGIST, THERAPIST and GP if you are struggling with an eating disorder or a severe case of body dysmorphic symptoms. This chat is for general purposes only, and I would advocate to seek PROFESSIONAL help from trained clinicians and even organisations like the Butterfly Foundation which helps those with eating disorders
(42.13) I ask Diana if there is hope for even the longest standing cases of not feeling self-love or acceptance to one’s body?
(42.55) Diana runs through her GRATITUDE practice which is just wonderful! A great MINDFUL MOMENT to practice this week!
(45.27) Diana gives a beautiful PEARL TO PRACTICE for those deep in the thick of postnatal depression, anxiety and PNDA; which is a beautiful one to try and call on
(48.31) Diana explains that she offers a free 45-minute phone call for anyone who is interested in learning more strategies or to work with her

Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
This week’s episode is the FIRST of a two-part series on BODY LOVE and BODY IMAGE. It is a topic close to my heart!
I dive into what it means for me…what I believe may contribute to the way in which we see ourselves.
PART 2 next week, Diana Fischer from Life Coaching will be joining me! She is beautiful soul who I met in Perth and wrote about her work I did with her, when she was Body Positive Mama and have written about her in my book ‘Shining The Light on PND’.
I look forward to her joining us next week and sharing ALL of her wisdom and insights on BODY LOVE, BODY IMAGE yes…but SO SO much more! Super excited!
I hope you enjoy this episode and take some beautiful take-home messages that resonate with you!
(1.18) I run through all that this episode is about.
(2.54) I discuss how in this current space and time place that we are in, that I have so much more loving kindness and compassion to myself!
(3.40) I go deep into my inner child conversation.
(4.14) I ask myself ‘How would my inner child want to be spoken?’
(6.38) I jump into how we are ALL unique and try as we might to change; we are all unique and the world needs us that way!
(7.28) I speak about my boys, and what I want THEIR narrative to be about themselves…and their inner monologue…what do I want them to say to themselves?
(8.54) What do I want instilled into my boys?
(10.00) I go through a personal experience that left an imprint in year 2/3 at school when I was called ‘Mrs Brown’.
(10.59) I go through my own personal journey of body change and how that affected me.
(11.59) I go through my pregnancy and how my body changed yet again; and then again during my PND.
(13.37) The constant factor of CHANGE for women in their body; and how that may be a contributing factor.
(15.58) MY FAVOURITE ‘PRAGYA APARADHA’ principle in Ayurveda…and how it pertains to body image and self-love…I get passionate here guys!
(18.47) I go through my experiences with coaching and what I have learned from it
(19.21) The INFERIORITY COMPLEX vs SUPERIORITY COMPLEX principle that I was taught at a young age about in the Bhagvad Gita and how this can relate to our body image and the way in which we see ourselves.
(21.09) I talk about the ‘PORTAL OF PAIN’ Principle by the amazing Doctor Shefali…and how this rang so true for me! I speak SOOOO much about her and how her work and teachings made SUCH a HUGE impact on my life and my understanding of my own journey!
(23.05) Summary of the episode.
(25.29) This week’s MINDFUL MOMENT to practice and to SIT and OBSERVE what comes up about BODY IMAGE…I ask certain questions to help in your introspection…and hope that it gives clarity on WHAT and HOW you feel about your body…and also WHERE you feel they stemmed from!

THRIVE with Whole-istic Healing Co.
Think, the synergistic utilisation of Western modalities of health care...together with Eastern Ayurvedic yoga, lifestyle and help you THRIVE!
To THRIVE in your mental THRIVE in your connection to body, mind and THRIVE in being your BEST self.
My PASSION is to help women and their families THRIVE and not just survive the PERINATAL period (pregnancy and post-birth) AND BEYOND...where I draw upon my lived-experience with postnatal provide PRACTICAL and helpful resources to guide you through this chapter and be your beacon of light.
My insights and information, I believe can help ALL mothers to THRIVE in their motherhood journeys...together with their partners.
I look forward to sharing this wild ride with together we can THRIVE
x Namita